
You have made it this far. And not everyone does. But sooner or later, you will wind up saying to yourself. I’m an adult now. No one can tell me what to do. But… you are so wrong. The police will do so, traffic signals will control you, merchants will control how much you pay for items you desire, and so on. So long as you are depending on anyone else to provide for your housing, transportation, food, clothing, money, or significance in life, you will need to follow their rules. To ensure that those benefits do not cease.

Let’s assume that you have as a goal, of someday becoming a fully independent, functioning adult. The following essays found below, examine some of systematic steps needing to be taken, to reach that goal.

If you or someone you care for, finds or found these resources to be helpful, please consider purchasing some of the other resources found on this site.

A single mother, struggling to raise three daughters (including a young adult), was instrumental in the creation of these classes. If you would care to thank her by directly donating an amount of $14.00 for her assistance (chosen as a unique number for tracking purposes), you can do so, by clicking the link below.